Thursday, January 16, 2025

T-shirt quilting progress and snow

I got that shirt quilted. I must have spent another hour just doing outlining before I could finally free motion meander the outside of the design. Onward to the next one!
With only having the time in the evenings to get a little bit quilted, I won't bother to figure the percentage done until I post on Monday. I have a feeling I will be shoveling snow after work since we are forecasted to get 1 to 4 inches by 4 am on Friday. It is snowing now; the flakes are small, but it is coming down steady.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That does look like it was a fiddley block to quilt. I hope the rest of them are easier. You are getting more snow than we have. With 3 days predicted above freezing most of ours might be gone.

Ann said...

It’s cold (to us) here but not snowing. Freezes expected next week so it will be terribly cold where you are. Be safe. This is a good time to quilt, isn’t it?