Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Jacket progress, freezing soup, shopping

The jacket is coming along. I got the hand stitching done at the sleeves reattaching the lining after I needed to lengthen the sleeves. All the trim is topstitched. I needed to change the buttons. The cream colored ones just will not due!
Much better!
The last job is to put in darts in the back to take out some of the fullness.
I had to take apart the lining in order to put in the darts. I work on those tonight.  One step forward, three steps back!  LOL!!
Here is how I am freezing soup so I have it for quick meals. I froze the soup in this container which is enough for two meals.
I ran the container under hot water to knock the block of soup out. I put the soup in a vacuum bag marked with H & B for ham and bean soup then vacuum sealed the bag. Now I have a block of soup that is easy to store in the freezer.
I made a pot of my version of Stanley Tucci's soup last evening; I leave out the pasta and add lots of shredded chicken to up the protein. This soup is quick and easy to make.  I filled those two containers with the soup to put in the freezer for future meals and had plenty for breakfast and lunch today.
Everybody is having sales. With the possible impending tariffs, it is time to stock up on things. I can't imagine how much quilting cotton will be a yard. I bought two bolts of Hobbs 80/20 because it was such a good price. I had it delivered to work because I didn't want it sitting outside at my house if I was raining. Here are the boxes in my car.  That ought to keep me supplied for a while!  I have a bit of batting left, but can you ever have too much on hand?
Missouri Star had a great deal on rotary cutting blades, but I didn't' want to pay for shipping so I picked up enough flannel solids that were on sale to get free shipping. I got some gray, pink, and navy.  Solid colors at a great price are hard to find sometimes.
I needed the for the alternate blocks when I make flannel quilts like this.
I plan on to continue to look for good deals to keep myself in supplies as we ride out the next few years.


Cherie Moore said...

Oh yes, those buttons def needed to be changed! The new ones look perfect. Can’t wait to see the picture of Michael & his girlfriend in their matching clothes :). I currently have three full rolls and two partial rolls of batting…..not sure they will last me four years but they will last a while. No need to buy the expensive silicone soup freezer things, your way works great……and now I’m ready for some soup……split pea with ham is on the menu today.

dianne said...

all of these are excellent ideas ... we're pre-ordering coffee and tea today (threat of 100% tariffs on BRICS countries) - i 'm too old to have to drink hot water for my morning cuppa

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That is a great way to freeze the soup. You can also see the contents of the bag unlike some containers that aren't see through.
I should order another roll of batting too. I have about 1/3 of one left so maybe I'll cut some battings to match with tops this week and see how much more I might need.

Vicki W said...

The jacket is looking great! Where did you find your batting? I usually get mine at Marshall Dry Goods for the veterans quilts but I'm always searching for the best price.