It was one long weekend! On Friday I got to my brother's house at 9:30 a.m. and we all headed over to the Z-Plex in Streetsboro, OH for the big Sonny Geraci Benefit Concert. The show did not start until 4 p.m. but we needed to set up the merchandise booth
and then Michael and the other acts rehearsed
My sister-in-law and I helped a bit with the silent auction tables. Michael had searched vintage record shops to find albums by some of the performing artists. His mom bought frames and after the artists autographed the album, Robin framed them and they went into the silent auction.
Here is Michael and his band playing with Frank Stallone - yes, Sylvester's brother. Michael and his band got to play with several other groups and did a couple of songs themselves.
Here everyone got up on stage and did a tribute to Sonny Geraci. Sonny is still hospitalized, but came for a bit.
While I sat at the merchandise table for hours and hours I needed something to do so I knitted. I put 72 rows on this baby blanket in the two days - that is the area I marked for this picture between the needles.
On Friday I got home at 2 a.m. On Saturday I drove to the Z-plex myself and got there about 12:30. The show started at 4 p.m. and after the show we had to tear down and load the equipment into the trailer. I go home at 2 a.m. again. Let's just say I was a bit tired on Sunday.
I did managed to gather enough energy to start putting things back where they belong - I had packed my sewing machine per my sister-in-law's request just in case there was a wardrobe issue. I had also brought thread, fasteners, marking tools, and other sewing items just in case. Then I decided to work on getting the facing binding on Justin's quilt. I used the seersucker sports coat for facing binding and the hanging tube. I used the sleeves to make the tube.
This sports coat was very sentimental to Justin so using it for the facing will really highlight it. I made the facing wider for the bottom of the piece because I decided to sew the buttons I cut off all the clothes here. I thought the button would give a nice weight at the bottom of the piece. I am machine sewing the buttons on before I hand stitch the facing down. It takes about a minute to a minute and a half to sew on one button. I have 21 sewn on and 81 to go.