Here are some pictures of the mail I have been getting with the scraps for my Millennium quilt. I have to say thank you again to everyone who has helped me out with this. See the envelope with the selvage taped across it? That came from Karen at Then yesterday I got an envelope from Leeanne from New Zealand. The fabric she sent was very cool and she included a piece with the NZ flag on it. I has been so much fun everyday to see all the prints, feedsack, and vintage fabric which all will add so much to the finished piece.

I am looking forward to a productive weekend. Some of the items on the list are moving the great wall in the front yard, working on my Art Quilt Workbook exercises so I can send pictures of my completed homework to upstatelisa, and sewing together more baby quilt tops. I gave another girl baby quilt away last night so my stash of girl baby quilts is getting low. Have a great weekend!