Here are the additional pieces that I have. There are six border prints, a couple of smaller all over prints, and the pants - well, yes, they are a pair of Jimmy's pants. I have no idea how my bro ended up with them, but they are going to be appliqued to a quilt one of these days.

How do you get family members to quit bringing you sewing project you don't want to do? This is driving me crazy! This is a picture of some cushions that have been sitting since last year. I don't want to cover them, but I felt like I did not have a choice. I hate that. Any advice? I need to have them done for Sunday so I will probably wait until Saturday to throw them together.

Friday night my nephew's band is playing a private party at a country club and I get to be a roadie to help pack up the equipment after the show. I just love to hear those kids play. Since I am a "superfan" of the band, I got picked to ride the float in the 4th of July parade that the band in playing in. My sister-in-law said she had so much fun riding last year smiling and waving at the crowd. I don't have a bucket list, but I have never been in a parade before so if this had been on my list I could cross it off now!
1 comment:
You have the most interesting family! I don't know if any other quilters who get fabric from entertainer's wardrobes!
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