Thursday, October 17, 2024

Beautiful skies

Tuesday after work I had a hair appointment. It is usually a 40 - 45 minute drive, but it took me an hour and 15 minutes to get there because traffic was so bad. That made me late, which then pushed getting done later. I didn't get home until 7 pm! I had left work at 3:30! That shot my whole evening. I'm going to start looking for a salon closer.  I have been going to Carla for a long time, but the traffic just keeps getting worse so I'm done.  There was a pink rainbow and fluffy pink cotton candy looking clouds on my way home.
Wednesday I was just dog tired when I got home. I threw a load in the washer, sat down and fell asleep in my sewing chair. Put the laundry in the dryer and threw another load in the washer. At 6:44 pm I got up to close the drapes and saw this sky. Amazing! In a matter of a minute it was gone.
I have been working on a small cross stitch for a birthday card. It is almost done.
I got a good night's sleep last night so maybe I will have the energy to work on project bags tonight.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Better than nothing

I was tired when I got home from work yesterday. I managed to wash sheets and not a whole lot of anything else. I did get two small project bags done. I just love this whale fabric.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Progress on the project bags

I tried to stay home as much as possible this weekend. I did run out for some groceries, and I needed to get more vinyl for project bags. I did some straightening up in the fabric storage room and sewing room. I finished 8 large bags and 6 small bags.
I got the zipper units for 10 large bags and 6 small bags sewn together so I should be able to get the bags done in the next couple of evenings.
It rained Saturday and Sunday so I couldn't mow the neighbor's front yard. It is raining today, and rain is forecasted for Tuesday and Wednesday. After all that rain, I will probably need to mow my yard again too.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Bag progress and more mowing

I only had time to press the interfacing on the lining pieces and trim the zipper units for the next four large project bags. They are lined up and ready for the finishing fold over binding.
Last evening was more mowing and trimming, a bit more than an hour and half's worth. I'm tired! I have more trimming in the back yard where the yard slopes and it is too hard to mow. Then I guess I will have to go and mow my neighbor's front yard again sometime this weekend.  He works for Serv-Pro in a management position and he is down south helping coordinate cleanup efforts from the two hurricanes. He is not sure when he will get back. I am glad it is Friday for sure! I need to go on a road trip to my favorite bulk food store, hit the credit union on my way home, and get some more vinyl for project bags while it is on sale. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Small project bags made, more dirt, mowing

I got another four small project bags done.
I mixed up another batch of fill for the ruts and got a bit more filled in. It takes so much more dirt than I thought it would.  I am out of sand so there is a trip to Menards in my future. 
Since it was so nice outside last evening, after doing the fill dirt I decided to work on mowing the parts of the yard that didn't get mowed a while back. I got one side yard and six passes in the back yard done before I quit at 7 PM.
My neighbor was out mowing too so I had a couple of things to talk to him about. He is more techy than I am so I asked for his guidance of what I need to do to get internet and switch from DISH to streaming TV. I also asked him to go shopping with me for a new smart TV. He was all about going shopping! I need to finally change from Dish to internet since Dish got bought out by Direct TV. Dish was in financial trouble and after talking to my son he figures they are going to raise the price. Well, I just received notice my Dish bill is due and it went up $15.00 since last month. They will probably just keep raising the price. No, they did not notify me that the price was going up.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Last evening's adventures

First thing I did when I got home was to finish the zipper units for the next 8 project bags.
Next I headed out to the garage to figure out what area to sort out next. I decided I needed to use these bags of topsoil and sand for the reason I bought them.
I bought this material to fill in the ruts in the backyard made by the skid steer that pulled out the old concrete steps. First, I needed to weed wack the grass short where the ruts were located then I got out the leaf blower to move the grass and leaves out of the way.
I mixed the topsoil with some sand to lighten the mix. I shoveled the mix and leveled out the mix as I went. I used up four bags of topsoil and 1 1/2 bags of sand. It was hard work lugging those bags around and getting them mixed!  It hardly looks like I made a dent!  LOL!!
It was almost 7 pm so I called it quits. I have three bags of topsoil left to spread, but I am going to need more topsoil and sand to get everything filled in. At least they are out of the garage now!
I finished the sampler. I need to make another card so I will be working on that this week.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Bag progress, sampler, and more floss

Yesterday the weather was beautiful. When I got home from work I started a load of laundry then headed out to the garage to do some straightening up and cleaning. After 1 1/2 hours I had gotten about 1/3 of the garage done then headed back inside to put the second load in the dryer. I did work on the zipper units for the next 8 bags.
The mailman brought me my second order of Pirate & Robin floss.
I got a little bit more stitched on the sampler. I am very close to being done. Here is where I was yesterday and where I am now.