Monday, October 28, 2024

Project bags, a new t-shirt quilt and filling holes

I'm tired. A lot of fresh air and yardwork. First, I will show I did get four more project bags done. These are the last ones that I had to sew together from the big pile. I just love this dandelion fabric. I wish I would have bought more. I am keeping one of those for myself.
I did spend some time on Saturday stitching on that new sampler. I was still tired. Here is where I was last Friday and where I am now.
As I just started watching the Notre Dame game, my neighbor called. He was ready to help me out with some yard chores. I forced myself to get dressed and headed out to help. We moved a good portion of this Sweet Peat mulch to where I store it in the back yard. I kept some here in the front to put on the front flower beds once I get them weeded. No sense pushing it back up the hill!
The mulch tucked away for winter.
On Thursday I had stopped and bought more soil and sand to fill in ruts. We mixed all the material I had - 5 bags of topsoil, 4 1/2 bags of potting soil, and used 2 1/2 bags of sand. We filled in the skid steer ruts and some other miscellaneous holes in the back yard. I had blown the leaves off the grass so we could see where the ruts were.
My neighbor has a battery powered hedge trimmer and cut down a bunch of high weeds toward the tree line while I blew more leaves. After a couple hours we called it quits. He then asked if I would make a t-shirt quilt for a friend of his and brought over the shirts.
Sunday, I went to the home improvement center to get more soil and sand. Picked up a few groceries while I was out too. I mixed up another bag of topsoil, a bag of potting soil and 1/3 of a bag of sand to start filling in some the holes along the side of the house. I had blown the leaves first, mowed, then threw down the mix.
As I come across more holes, I will have material to fill them. It is hard to mow and just walk in the yard with all those depressed areas.  I am going to get a can of marking paint so anytime I am walking around the yard and feel a hole, I will mark it.  That will make it easier than trying to go back and find it.  This is enough material for four more batches. 

Friday, October 25, 2024

New sampler and traffic jams.

I started on another little reproduction sampler. Here is what I have done so far.
Work was fine, but the evening was a nightmare. I went to my chiropractor appointment and stopped to get more top soil, potting soil and sand for filling in ruts. Then the fun began. NOT!  It would normally take 20 - 25 minutes to get home from the home improvement store; last night it took an hour! I have no idea why traffic was backed up. Once I got down the last hill and turned left to go up the hill to get home, traffic was all backed up again. Once I finally got close to the front of the line, the road I would take was blocked off! No wonder the line to turn left was so long! I got stuck when I tried to go around a trailer and ended up having to go right. This took me at least four or five miles out of my way. I was exhausted by the time I finally got home. I unloaded the dirt and sand then went inside. I turned on the TV and it wasn't working! Geeze!  By that time I was ready to punch someone! My neighbor came over and pushed some button and got it working again.  He and his wife were leaving to head to a funeral in which they were running late.  Where they were going was to the  direction I just came from.  At least I could warn him which was not to go.  With the TV fixed I got  something to eat I sat down and saw that Bruce was going to be at Kamala's rally.
I was texting my son and telling him that I hated this streaming crap; give me back my VCR!  You don't get any manual on how to get this stuff to work.  He said you'll get use to it.  Because he didn't understand my struggle, I gave him a comparison.  I told him what if I gave someone who didn't know how to sew a pile of fabric, thread, a sewing machine, batting and tell them to make a quilt with no instructions?  Do you think they could do it without any instructions?  That's how I feel.  After watching a bit of Obama's speech, I had to go to bed. I was exhausted.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Four more project bags done

I don't know where the time goes! I got part of my yard mowed last evening. My neighbor got home from Florida where he was organizing the effort to clean up hurrican damage. He works for a nationwide restoration company. At least I don't have to mow his yard or pu his mail everyday. I did manage to get four more project bags finished.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A busy evening

I managed to get those four project bags finished.  I think that fabric is fun.
I filled out my ballot and have it ready to take to the post office after work tonight.
I kitted up three cross stitch projects.
My neighbor came over to get his mail. He has been gone for a month helping his company coordinate clean up from the hurricanes.

Monday, October 21, 2024

My brain hurts

I didn't get a lot of sewing done, but I did manage to get four small bags finished. I have the matching large project bags ready for stitching.
I spent most of my weekend cleaning. My new Dyson cordless vac did a great job picking up the dust bunnies! I mowed the neighbor's front yard and the internet guys showed up Saturday afternoon. I was cranking thru the laundry and doing dishes too. On Sunday another neighbor showed up to help me hook up the internet and TV steaming service. I had no idea how to do that! So between work and learning how to use the TV, my brain hurts! At work we have a program to use to submit our expense report and another program to onboard new employees. The training was poor at best for each new program. So all of this in a short period of time was a brain buster. Another project coordinator had to help me finish out my new hire from last week. I have another new hire today and I am not sure what is going to happen.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Beautiful skies

Tuesday after work I had a hair appointment. It is usually a 40 - 45 minute drive, but it took me an hour and 15 minutes to get there because traffic was so bad. That made me late, which then pushed getting done later. I didn't get home until 7 pm! I had left work at 3:30! That shot my whole evening. I'm going to start looking for a salon closer.  I have been going to Carla for a long time, but the traffic just keeps getting worse so I'm done.  There was a pink rainbow and fluffy pink cotton candy looking clouds on my way home.
Wednesday I was just dog tired when I got home. I threw a load in the washer, sat down and fell asleep in my sewing chair. Put the laundry in the dryer and threw another load in the washer. At 6:44 pm I got up to close the drapes and saw this sky. Amazing! In a matter of a minute it was gone.
I have been working on a small cross stitch for a birthday card. It is almost done.
I got a good night's sleep last night so maybe I will have the energy to work on project bags tonight.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Better than nothing

I was tired when I got home from work yesterday. I managed to wash sheets and not a whole lot of anything else. I did get two small project bags done. I just love this whale fabric.