Friday, March 21, 2025

Two more pouches, daffodils, t-shirts arrived, a visit to the bridge project

Two more pouches are quilted and cut to size.
I stitched the red one with this variegated thread. It looked good on that fabric. I have a couple more red prints I will quilt with this thread until it is gone.
This week I got 7 pouches ready for finishing. Not too bad. I did order zippers yesterday. I have no idea how many, but I know it was over 100 since I got the lowest bulk price - 27 cents for a 14" zipper. I just kept picking different colors and hitting the + for the quantity.  They are nice zippers too! I wouldn't buy anything crappy that wasn't going to hold up! I got a notice that the zipper will be delivered Saturday! Wawak is fast!
The weather turned cold again which is not unexpected. After all it is mid-March in NE Ohio! The daffodils flower head were drooping. I will have to wait and see if I get any pretty flowers or not.
There was a box at the door when I got home from work. It was t-shirts from the poker run lady. I thought she was only sending me two. LOL!! Here are the two I need to get in this year's quilt.
Here are all the t-shirts she sent me. Woohoo that there are some colored ones!
The other day I had to run down to the job site. They were pouring a footer for the northbound bridge. This footer is located under the old bridge which is still operating. You can see to the right the beams for the southbound bridge. North and South bound traffic will be moved over to the new southbound bridge by the end of this year. Once that happens the old bridge will be taken down and work on the new northbound bridge can continue.
I am so glad it is Friday. My plans for the weekend are to continue working on quilting the pouch units and maybe figure out how I will redesign the t-shirt quilt to fit in those two shirts. They are tank tops so I will have to fill in the neck and armholes spaces. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Pouch progress

Two more pouches are ready for sewing together.
I got a start on quilting the next pouch unit. I need to get zippers ordered.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Another pouch, thank you notes, Lenten roses, angels and a computer mess

I only had time to quilt and trim fabric for one pouch
I decided I needed to get the envelopes for the thank you notes addressed. I addressed 53 so this is done. Next I need to write the notes inside.
My Lenten Roses are really blooming! I have to get out into this bed and get it cleaned up.
It has been a while since I posted a picture of the cross stitch angels.
At work the IT guys made me get a new laptop. What a pain. It has a newer version of Windows and now nothing is in the same place. I swear they change stuff just to F**k with the world! It is like when a grocery store rearranges everything and nothing is where it was so it takes you three times as long!
So I go back to the job site and guess what? I can't plug the monitor into the dock because my monitor is so old that the techy people don't use the screw in plugs anymore.
So this morning I had to go back to the home office and get a new monitor. One fellow helped me get the thing out of the box; it was heavy! I was trying to hook it up and was failing. Another guy came over and got the thing working. I hate new technology! My old stuff was working fine, but even cookies and begging was not enough to get my old laptop back from IT.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mission accomplished

I got to work as soon as I arrived home. I finished up quilting the units for these two curved topped pouches
Next was to get two pouches sewn together so I could hand them off today. Done!
The daffodils sure grew last week when it was so warm. The ones in the center bed have flower buds on them!

Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day, pouch progress, etc.

I was too tired to make cut out cookies for the guys at work so I made French butter cookies which are a shortbread cookie. I put in some green food coloring.
I quilted all day Saturday on the pouch units. I quilted another 5 on Sunday morning and got 23 done.
Here are the empty spools of thread. Some of the spools just had smaller yardage so it was good to get them used up.
I still have 30 units to quilt, but the table is half empty now!
I need to get two pouches finished so I can give them to that lady that I had made the other 24 pouches for. She needed one more for the retreat and I made one for her husband that had admired the pouches. I only have a few zippers in my stash right now, but I found a couple that would work.
My SIL texted me about the t-shirts she sent me for a quilt and that she was busy making a new sign for the protest she was participating in at the local Tesla dealership. She later texted me that CNN was at the protest, so I turned CNN on. There she was with her new sign "Don't support a N**i" sign. There were lots of people at the protest and they have been at that dealership a lot.
The fellow running for city council stopped by on Saturday to give me the thank you cards and instructions on what to write, so I will be busy the next couple of days working on those. I know our Irish great-grandmother and grandmother would approve of our civic activism!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Another pouch, Barr Owl nest, Lenten Roses, and t-shirts for another quilt.

I got another unit quilted for a curved top pouch. I think this novelty fabric will make a cute pouch!
I took a walk around the yard after work. It was so nice outside! Here is the tree where the Barr Owl's nest is located.
The Lenten roses are blooming nicely! The white flowers are the same ones from the picture I posted the other day. They have grown! Then there is a purple/pink one that has lots of flowers.
My nephew delivered to me at work my SIL's t-shirts. She had texted me that she folded them into groups so I will have to find out her thoughts on how she wants them put together into a quilt.
I am looking forward to the weekend. I have some outdoor work I would like to do and will be working on the pouches. I think I will have to make some cookies for Monday for St. Patrick's Day. I think shamrock cutout cookies would fit the bill! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

In demand

I only managed to get one more unit quilted. I can get two outside pieces or two lining pieces out of a third of a yard therefore I have two pouches that will be the same.
While I was quilting the phone rang and it was my nephew. He has a box of my SIL's t-shirts for me that have found their way to Ohio from California via a musician friend. It's a long story! Anyway, he wanted to know when he could drop them off to me. While I was on the phone with him my son called. I called my son back and we were on the phone a long time. I hadn't talked to him in quite a while. While I was on the phone with my son, there was a knock at the door. Geeze, I was in demand last tonight! I opened the window downstairs to find out who it was. I thought he was probably a salesperson, but it turned out he was running for City Counsel for the ward I live in. I talked to him a bit and my son was listening on the phone. He got us both excited about his mission and thoughts on the current climate locally. My son is going to spread the word to his friends about this fellow and I want to help the man out so I will be emailing him to find out what I can do. It feels like a positive contribution and very grassroots to try and do something.