Friday, August 30, 2024

Progress on the baby quilt

I got started on quilting the baby quilt. It is going good and I was happy with as much as I did get done last evening.
I am looking forward to a three day weekend! My plans are to get the baby quilt done and then start quilting the t-shirt quilt. The t-shirt quilt has to be shipped before October and that is right around the corner!
I would like to get some weeding done and work on final finishing some of my cross stitch. Getting out early to the yard to weed and to work in the garage to make frames for cross stitch will have to be in the plans to try a avoid the heat. Have a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope you get some cooler weather for your 3 day weekend. I noticed some weeds at that stage just before the seed drying and becoming those stickers that attach to gloves and clothing. I need to get them pulled out.

Vicki W said...

I think the baby quilt will be done tonight at the rate you are going! Have a great weekend!