Monday, August 12, 2024

Exhausting three days

I think it will take a couple more days to recover from this weekend. I forgot to take pictures of the chocolate muffins and oatmeal cookies I made for the band and crew for Friday's show. They went over big! I did get another six tote bags made to take Friday and then finished up the last four in that batch on Saturday.
I have 10 more bags to sew together and then all 92 that I had cut out over the 4th of July time off will be done. I have made bags out of corduroy, cotton, upholstery fabric, drape fabric, some kind of fuzzy material, twill, and duck. I haven't made any out of lightweight knit fabric; not sure how those would be, but if someone passed to me some double knit I think that fabric would make some sturdy bags. All of these tote bags are used at the merchandise booth for my nephew's band. I make the bags big enough that an album will fit in them. Michael's sell albums as well as CD's. Some people hesitate buying an album because they don't want to carry it around. Give them a bag and they buy. Most people are very surprised and excited to get such a nice bag with their purchase. I get comments that we do it right! When Michael announced to the crowd about the bags at the VW show, we got slammed and I think sold merch because they knew they were getting a bag. I have people come to the booth and tell me how many of my bags they have! Here is the merch booth all set up at the show on Friday in Lorain, Ohio.
The band left about 1:45 on Friday to head to Lorain. Here was my view of the stage from the merch booth. Here is a closeup and a shot of the crowd. It was a beautiful evening. By the time I got home it was after midnight.
I was still tired when I got up on Saturday. I did laundry, dishes, and got ready for the next show. I left the house at 4 p.m. to head to Ravenna, Ohio with the band. The stage was scary. They had two flat bed trailers side-by-side and threw plywood to fill in the space between the trailers. Talk about a tripping hazard! Then there was a narrow, steep set of stairs that were not fastened to anything to get on the "stage".  They guys had to lift all the equipment up over their shoulders to place it on the stage.  Geeze!  
We had a decent crowd and sold a little bit at the merch booth.
The event organizers had chalk for the kids to draw on the street. Michael's girlfriend did a little street art of her own.
After the band was finished playing there were fireworks! This is the third show this year there has been fireworks.
I was midnight when I got home. Sunday I mowed the front and side yard. I was using every ounce of energy I had to try and get thru the day. I trimmed until the batteries ran out. I cut out and made three boxy pouches for gifts.
I worked on a project bag - another gift. I will finish it tonight.
Things I had shopped online for started showing up. A wool batt that I needed to stuffing smalls.
Some black and white fabrics from an estate sale. There was some yardage and some small pieces; over 15 yards. There was this Nancy Crow stripe, 4 1/4 yards, I just had to have.
On Friday my sister and her husband stopped while I was running around getting ready to leave for the Lorain show. They had flown in to go to her class reunion. Only got to visit for about an hour and I had to leave. It was still good to see them.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

What a busy weekend. I love the Nancy Crow stripe. I'll have to look in my Nancy Crow stash and see if I have it. I think I do.

Cherie Moore said...

How nice to see your brother & SIL even for an hour. Nice to hear people are loving your bags :-)

Vicki W said...

It's really cool that his fans are now collecting your bags!