Friday, August 16, 2024

Fabric came and so did the baby!

I received my fabric order yesterday which included the checkerboard fabric I needed for the baby quilt.
I messed around pulling more fabrics and this is the current selection for the quilt. I still need to stamp fabric with that rubber stamp I just bought. See that off white piece at the left side by the checkerboard fabric? I will stamp that with black fabric ink. I think I will get some white ink and stamp that dark gray piece so I can have more than one piece of the custom fabric in this quilt. I found out last night the baby was born on Wednesday so I am going to have to get busy on it this weekend.
Yesterday at lunch we went down to the job site. A labor/employee organization that sponsors scholarships brought in a food truck. They only thing on the menu was Philly cheesesteak sandwiches in four different versions. I had the meat and cheese only version and it was really good. I only ate one fry; they were way too salty and greasy.
I took a few pictures of the piers. The workers are making good progress! The first picture is pier 2 and then 3,4, and 5 are in the second picture. You can see the beams have been pushed and are sitting on pier 5. We will be pushing beams next week so they will rest on pier 4 then. The tallest pier is at least 140 feet tall.
Michael has a show this weekend and right now we are crossing our fingers that the forecast improves. Thunderstorms and lighting are at 35% chance right now for when he hits the stage. The rest of my weekend I will be working on the baby quilt although I may have to take a road trip to get more baking supplies and deposit a check. I did finally get my trimming done in the front last evening and I am glad it didn't take long. It was in the low 80's but the humidity was awful. Have a great weekend!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The humidity was horrible here yesterday too. It was too cool outside to turn on the A/C units. I hope the rain is either over or holds off until after the show. You don't want to be out there with lightning.

Vicki W said...

I think construction projects are so cool. Thanks for the photos!