Friday, August 30, 2024

Progress on the baby quilt

I got started on quilting the baby quilt. It is going good and I was happy with as much as I did get done last evening.
I am looking forward to a three day weekend! My plans are to get the baby quilt done and then start quilting the t-shirt quilt. The t-shirt quilt has to be shipped before October and that is right around the corner!
I would like to get some weeding done and work on final finishing some of my cross stitch. Getting out early to the yard to weed and to work in the garage to make frames for cross stitch will have to be in the plans to try a avoid the heat. Have a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Another boxy pouch

I needed another boxy pouch to give someone today, so I put that together last night while I did laundry.
I needed to water the plants since it has been so hot. The flowers on the coneflowers are all dried up, but I need to keep the plants alive, so a good watering was in order. The lavender and cora bells got a drink too. After I can back inside I wound the bobbins for the baby quilt. I am going to use a variegated King Tut thread.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Pin basted

The title of this post says it all.
Tonight I will wind bobbins and start quilting.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Four days of shows, sewing and mowing

It was a busy four days! I will start with sewing progress. The baby quilt top is done.
The binding is ready.
I had to wait to stamp the backing until the top was done so I could piece the backing to fit. I got it stamped late yesterday so tonight I will press it to heat treat it and then I can get the backing, batting, and top pin basted.
Thursday the band had a show at Kent. We had a nice crowd and I kept busy at the merch booth. The landscaping is so pretty. Since it was cooler, as soon as the sun started going down the bees left.
I got 18 bags cut out of the fabric Wanda sent me. The merch booth is in good shape right now with bags, so I don't need to get these made right away.
I made oatmeal raisin cookies Saturday morning for the band.
I left the house a little after 11:00 am on Saturday to head to my brother's house. The band played in South Euclid, Ohio, for the community Rock the Block event. It was hot! The band played 3 to 4 so that meant I was home much earlier than usual.
There were even turtles you could pet!
I finished mowing the back yard Sunday night. It had pretty much dried out from the rain we received that morning. I had mowed the majority of the yard on Friday but ran out of battery power for the mower to finish.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Muffin mania

The band has a show so I wanted to make a treat. I had a couple zucchini that needed to get used up, so I made cinnamon muffins. I was going to make Texas sized for both batches, but after getting only 10 muffins out of the first batch I knew I had to rethink this. For the second batch I made regular sized muffins and I ended up with 21 muffins. I had planned to take some to work too so I took the smaller ones to work. I dumped some cinnamon chips in them as a little added fun.
I had measured out all the dry ingredients for each batch in a separate bowl. Then I had to have two bowls for the strudel topping for each batch, two containers for the eggs, two measuring cups for the oil - ok you get the idea. Darn there was a lot of clean up! LOL!! I didn't have time to work on the baby quilt, but since I am taking Friday off, I will be working on it then. Have a great weekend and we will catch up Monday!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Goodie box

After work I had an appointment and errands to run, but when I got home there was a box of goodies at my door. Wanda has been reorganizing and found a few items she thought I could use.
There was a very large piece of wool batting which I will use to stuff cross stitch smalls.
Then she had bundled up two packages of fabric that I can use for making tote bags for the merch booth. I should be able to get 10 to 12 bags out of this fabric. It is all heavier non-quilting weight fabric. Thank you, Wanda!
I had thawed out some spinach, so I needed to get that cooked and made some creamed spinach for lunches to go with the chicken I cooked the other day. After doing that and washing dishes I didn't have time to work on the baby quilt.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Progress on the baby quilt

After work I stopped at the library to return a couple CDs, did two loads of laundry, cooked chicken for lunches this week, gathered up the recycling and then worked on the baby quilt. I got the fabric switch done and got started on sewing the rows together.
I am happy with my progress. I just need to keep it up!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Another show, top done, and baby quilt started

Friday evening Michael had a show. It was in town, so I went to the venue right after work. It was in the low 80's and so was the humidity. Unfortunately the sun was in my eyes until about 8 p.m. so I had to find shade behind the road cases and peer thru the spaces between them to see if there were any customers. We did sell a lot of merch and I am going to have to get some more bags made! LOL!! I did take a few pictures, but I was miserable and couldn't get myself to take a picture of our set up. Here are a few shots from the merch booth which was quite aways from the stage. Despite the threat of rain, we had a good crowd.  I took these pictures early so the crowd looks sparce.  These were the early arrivals about 6 p.m.
I dragged myself outside Saturday morning about 10 to mow the grass only because the next-door neighbor man was going to mow his. I have a lot more to mow but at least the grass that adjoins his yard and the front look decent. Then is rolled in so I couldn't mow anymore.
I got the t-shirt quilt top sewn together and trimmed!
I needed to get it off the design wall so I could work on the baby quilt. I printed the fabric for with the fellow's band logo.
I did get the blocks made for the top and here they are on the design wall.
I did make a stupid mistake. I forgot to make one of the stripes with the checkerboard fabric. Geeze! I figured out which row I am going to replace. I am going to have to take the blocks apart for the blue printed fabric since I only printed and had enough of that blue fabric for the one row. Changing one fabric affects the row above it and below it.
I will fix that tonight then I can start sewing the rows together. I have the strips already cut. I will just replace six of the blocks, so I only have to unsew the six blocks with the stamped fabric.
I received my order from Missouri Star Quilting on Sunday - Fed Ex. They had this Storybook by Kauffman on sale for fifty dollars for a 10 yard bolt. That is a very good deal! I bought Pool and Flamingo. I don't have a particular project in mind for this right now, but they will be nice to have in my stash.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Fabric came and so did the baby!

I received my fabric order yesterday which included the checkerboard fabric I needed for the baby quilt.
I messed around pulling more fabrics and this is the current selection for the quilt. I still need to stamp fabric with that rubber stamp I just bought. See that off white piece at the left side by the checkerboard fabric? I will stamp that with black fabric ink. I think I will get some white ink and stamp that dark gray piece so I can have more than one piece of the custom fabric in this quilt. I found out last night the baby was born on Wednesday so I am going to have to get busy on it this weekend.
Yesterday at lunch we went down to the job site. A labor/employee organization that sponsors scholarships brought in a food truck. They only thing on the menu was Philly cheesesteak sandwiches in four different versions. I had the meat and cheese only version and it was really good. I only ate one fry; they were way too salty and greasy.
I took a few pictures of the piers. The workers are making good progress! The first picture is pier 2 and then 3,4, and 5 are in the second picture. You can see the beams have been pushed and are sitting on pier 5. We will be pushing beams next week so they will rest on pier 4 then. The tallest pier is at least 140 feet tall.
Michael has a show this weekend and right now we are crossing our fingers that the forecast improves. Thunderstorms and lighting are at 35% chance right now for when he hits the stage. The rest of my weekend I will be working on the baby quilt although I may have to take a road trip to get more baking supplies and deposit a check. I did finally get my trimming done in the front last evening and I am glad it didn't take long. It was in the low 80's but the humidity was awful. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 15, 2024


I have been waiting to not be so tired so I could accomplish something. Finally last evening I wasn't as dog tired as I have been.  Doing dishes and laundry were on the agenda.  I did get my big table cleared off so I could get back to the t-shirt quilt. I have to sew together the center row, but I needed to lay it on top of the previous constructed part for the length.
I did not have to wait very long for the rubber stamp I order to arrive. I cannot get over how fast I received it! This is the logo for a band. One of the band members is having a baby so I will hand stamp fabric for the quilt to go along with some skull fabric and checkerboard fabric that I am waiting on. The stamp was not cheap, but I think making custom printed fabric for the quilt will be a big hit.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bag done and muffins

I finished the project bag. I made this with the fabric leftover from the placemats and will gift this to the woman tomorrow. She does not know that I made this. One of the fellows took the placemats to her last week as she works at the home office and I am out in the field. I will see her tomorrow at the project coordinators meeting tomorrow.
I had some leftover shredded zucchini so I made a double batch of chocolate muffins with white chocolate chips for the fellows at work. The house smelled so good.