Friday, June 7, 2024

Three done, two to go

I now have three of the five covers made. I still don't have the address where I need to ship them. I plan on getting the other two done tonight and move on to the next project!
Here are my pitiful zucchini plants. The one has flowered! I need to get these in the gound this weekend and then I then they will really grow.
My plans for the weekend are to work on the baby quilt and spend some time cleaning the garage to find the source of the smell. Have a great weekend!


Vicki W said...

Your zucchini do look a little sad! LOL! I'm sure you will bring them back to vigor.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It seems like mid June is when the plants in the ground really take off and grow. We might get rain Saturday so it might get to you Sunday.