Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Keeping busy

I got the info I needed for the baby quilt label so I took care of that last evening.
I was digging around to find a boy baby quilt for a new arrival in the family. I am a great aunt again. I found these two quilts.
I think I will sent the tan and blue linen quilt since it is a bit more special. I printed the fabric at a workshop the time I went to QuiltCon years ago. The dark linen fabric came from a pair of Irish linen pants that belonged to a neighbor of mine. I don't think he ever wore them. The fabric is beautiful.
I started a new cross stitch piece. I had it already kitted up and have been wanting to stitch this for a while. Octopus's Garden by Blackbird. Here is my little start.  The fabric doesn't show the right color.  It is a soft blue/grey linen, but it looks grey in this picture. 
I received a box of fabric I had bought from Wanda of Exuberant Color. She is de-stashing some of her fabric. I thought this bundle would be great for baby quilts which I need to get some made to have on hand.
I also bought this crane fabric which I will make into a couple of project bags. The fabric is so beautiful!
Then Wanda included a few pieces extra she though would be perfect for project bags and I can't wait to make those! The prints are fabulous! I will be able to get one large project bag and maybe a small one out of each piece.
We got two storms yesterday so I didn't have to water last night. I am sure all my flowers were happy to get rain water instead of tap. The Shasta daisies are coming along. It is too bad they will only last about two weeks. I swear this year as soon as the blooms die, I am going to trim them back and see if I can get a second bloom. I wait all year for them to bloom and they last such a short time. The plants are in different stages of blooming right now.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

lucky you to get some rain. We didn't get enough rain to wet my whole driveway and there was none in the rain gauge
Those late 90's fabrics are so fabulous. They will make great project bags.
It's so nice to have baby quilts on hand so you don't have to meet a deadline making one. My stack is dwindling so I need to get busy and make some more.

Cherie Moore said...

I feel the same about daffodils!

Cherie Moore said...

Oh, meant to also say how perfect the new cross stitch is for you….and I love, love, love your linen quilt. I’ve not been to QuiltCon but have a friend in Phoenix where the next one will be held…so I might finally get to one.

Vicki W said...

It's nice to have a bit of a stash of baby quilts! That takes some stress off!

Kaja said...

I remember the tan and blue quilt - a real favourite. It will make a great gift for a new baby.