Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Cleaning, wrapping, and progress on the project bags

I was running around the house like a crazy person trying to get things more orderly since I am having company today. The bathrooms and the kitchen needed a quick once over and I needed to vacuum the studio. Today is trash and recycle day so all of that got hauled out. I needed to gather up all the boxes I had been collecting for the Xmas What-a-palooza and do something with them. They were taking up a lot of space and were just messy looking. I made room on my big table and started to wrap all the stuff I had been buying for the What-a-palooza. I ran out of brown kraft paper, but I had a roll of black wrapping paper and just switched to that. It doesn't look like much but here is what I got done. This made a big difference and condensed the presents and the boxes into one nice, neat group. I need more boxes and now I know about what sizes to drag home.
I had a few minutes to iron on the fusible fleece for the project bags. This is my first time making this style as I usually make the ones with the vinyl fronts.
I got one zipper installed. With all the practice I have had lately sewing in zippers, it doesn't take me long at all. I think this bag will go together quick.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope you had some relaxing time with your company.

Vicki W said...

You stays soooo busy! I hope you have a great time with your visitors!