Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Tote bags, the garden, and Canadian goose

When I got home from work I rested a bit, got something to eat, then worked on pressing and sewing handles for drumhead tote bags. I have 14 cut out. The drumhead tote bags are cut 19" wide vs. the regular tote bags which I cut 15" wide. I only got six handles sewn, but that is better than a stick in the eye!
I then mowed the rest of the backyard and watered the plants. I have a coneflower growing in a place that I did not plant a seed. I will dig it up this weekend and put it in a better spot.
On my walk this morning Mom and Dad were escorting the kids across the road.
The Shasta daisies are full of buds.
The pepper and zucchini plants need put in the ground! Maybe I can do that this weekend.


Vicki W said...

The geese are so cute. I had a big family (15) of wood ducks on our pond this week. It was quitle exciting to me!

Robbie said...

Love seeing all your 'animals'! Makes you smile doesn't it!

Kaja said...

The geese are seen as a pest here but your photo makes them look very appealing.