Friday, September 6, 2024

Scones, happy mail, and Octopus's Garden

I didn't get any quilting done last evening, but I was busy. I made a batch of scones and did dishes.
The phone rang and I spent almost an hour talking to my son. That was good since I hadn't talked to him for a while. I got some happy mail. There is a blog I read, and the lady was giving away charts that she decided she would never stitch. I threw my name in the hat for three of them and they came yesterday.
I haven't posted the two samplers I finished recently. The one on the left - no, I did not forget to finish the yellow border. I duplicated the original and the border was never finished. These are smaller pieces and I put a ruler in the picture to show the length.
I decided I would pick up Octopus's Garden that I had a small start on. I posted this picture June 18.  
It now looks like this
Here is my set up for stitching. I did gray out much of the chart and I had made an enlarged working copy that I could mark off the completed stitches. I did change highlighters from the yellow to peach. I can see the peach better.
My plans for the weekend are to work on the t-shirt quilt and work a show for the band. The show is local so I will drive myself and they only play for 45 minutes. A drum set, bass gear, and a backline will be provided so the amount of equipment will have to unload and load will be minimum.  I was told we are going to have a pared down merch booth too; not sure what that means but I will find out!   If it is not too hot this weekend, I need to try and get some more weeding done. Have a great weekend!


Cherie Moore said...

Those are some great patterns you won! I’m hoping my upcoming eye surgery will allow me to cross stitch again :). Yours are inspiring. Glad you got to chat with your son.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope you get some of nice cool weather we are having. Only 63 but sunny so it's really pleasant out.

Vicki W said...

Your stitcheries are so pretty and Octopus Garden is going to be really cute! I hope you had a great weekend.