Friday, May 24, 2024

It's Friday and a three day weekend!

I am looking forward to a three day weekend. I have been working on a list to accomplish in my head and here it is. #1 is to get the Harley quilt done.
I didn't get to work on it last night. I dropped off the plants after work then drove up to a big box store to pick up the electric power washer that they had on sale last week. My electric power washer died last year so this will be it's replacement. There is some assembly - ugh - which I will do this weekend.
Next on the weekend list is to get a bit more done on the baby quilt,
maybe get some smalls fully finished and some cleaning done.
I would also like to get some mulch spread in the other flower beds. I have one that is a real hot mess so I will try to get up early in the mornings to get some work done before the heat rolls in. Meanwhile the California Poppies that self-seeded have been blooming and greet me every day.
I watered the plants a little last night even though we had gotten some rain. When I watered the marigold seeds, which none have popped up yet, I saw a little birds nest that must have fallen out of the mugo pine with the winds we had last night.
I guess that is enough of a list. Have a wonderful weekend!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope you have decent weather over the weekend. Saturday is supposed to be our nicest day. I hope you get the Harley quilt finished.

Vicki W said...

Our electric power washer died just before we went on vacation so I've got to shop for a new one too! Good luck on the Harley quilt this weekend.