Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Finally a moment

It has been a busy day and I finally have a moment to post. Last evening was all about getting little things taken care of. I got the mail, and it wasn't mine. Our mailman is a real goof. I took the mail to my neighbor's house and texted them that I put it in the garage. Then I walked across the cul-de-sac to pu another neighbor's mail since he asked me to because he is out of town on business. He has I swear the world's smallest mailbox and nothing much fits, so I have to go get it every day. On the way up his step though I got a wonderful surprise. This azalea is in full bloom. It is hidden by a huge bush and unless you walk up the steps you cannot see it. I will look forward to seeing it every day this week!
So then I stripped the bed and washed the sheets, uncovered the condenser in case I need to turn on the A/C, got some dinner, and stitched a bit. I am working on another Seize the needle piece. I will make this into a little pillow and give as a gift.
The weekend was catching up to me and I was getting tired. I did get some strips matched up for the 9 patch blocks for that baby quilt. Now that I think about it, I messed up, but at least they are not sewn together. I will rearrange them tonight.

1 comment:

  1. That Azalea is so pretty! There are probably some hardy varieties for my area but I've never looked into it. I love the shape of the flowers and the intensity of color.
