Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Stitching, eggs, and a heron

I had an appointment after work so I didn't get home until almost 7 which for me is too late to sit and sew. I do have progress to show you on the next cross stitch piece. I cross stitch in the moring before work starts and sometimes at lunch when I am back from my walk. The last time I posted this sweet little sampler was April 17. Here is where I was then and where I am now after working on it yesterday and this morning. This one is not going to take long to finish so I had better kit up the next cross stitch project soon.
A fellow at work and his wife raise chickens. He brought in a dozen eggs and someone snatched those. After talking to him, I gave him a couple pieces of the banana bread I made and he said he would bring me some eggs. I also gave him a boxy pouch for his wife too. Look at these beautiful eggs he brought me this morning!
When I retire and get my forever house, I plan on raising chickens. I told him that I would be picking his brain on how best to build the coop for my chickens. Speaking of birds, yesterday on my walk there was a heron. I see one of these every once in a while at the retaining ponds that line the road where I work and walk. I don't know if there are any fish in this retaining pond. I am guessing there is not or otherwise the heron would hang around more. It is nice to see some other bird than the Canada Goose.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It looks like a carton of Easter eggs. We raised chickens when I was a child and I only saw white eggs. It was a shock to me to see so many different color shells and I couldn't imagine the insides were all the same.

Vicki W said...

I occasionally get a heron on our pond too. I sit and watch them for as long as they stay. We also had a friend drop off fresh eggs yesterday! I can't eat them bu Chris sure appreciates them.

Cherie Moore said...

Oh, I can’t wait for your blog posts to have chicken updates! I do love seeing herons. We have a pond close by and the geese are quite noisy when they land.