Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Odds and ends

Wow I was tired when I got home from work yesterday so not a lot got done. I will show you the Pellon Fusible Thermolan fleece I bought. I found it on eBay. At JoAnn's it is $11.99 a yard and at Hobby Lobby I have bought it on sale for $5.99 a yard. I found a 10 yard bolt with free shipping for a little less than $41.00. They had two bolts so I just bought them both. With tax that comes to $4.35 a yard. I use this for placemats and I have a couple other projects I want to try it out on. This ought to last me a little while!
Remember that I told you about my credit card number being used by some unsavory character? Well, they are not a very good criminal, because the item they bought showed up at my house yesterday! How did they think they were going to get the item? The credit card company has already put a hold on payment to investigate what happened. I called and left a message on the vendor's answering service that if they would like their item back to give me a call and we will talk about a call tag to get it shipped back to them. I opened the box to see what it was and it is some kind of a chair cushion. The cost was $117.40.
Then I spent some time taking care of the last of the meat I bought. The meat market I like had filet migon on sale so I treated myself.
I wrapped each piece in parchment paper and vacuum sealed them. I can take one out at a time to thaw and then reseal the bag.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That's pretty funny that the criminal didn't use their own address.
I love filet mignon. I try to catch it on sale too.

Vicki W said...

I had the same thing happen to me on a credit card once. Everything the ordered showed up at my house. All of it eventually ended up in the garbage. That's a great deal on the fleece!

Frog Quilter said...

Filet mignon is my favorite meat! Yum.