Wednesday, April 12, 2023

An almost finish, a start, and where does the time go?

The weather was beautiful yesterday so when I got home from work the first thing I needed to do was water the flower seeds I had planted last week. Then I got the weed killer and sprayed the dandelions that are rearing their ugly heads. Gathering up the recycling for pu today was next and then cleaning of a small table that had been gathering stuff. I am almost done with the France small. I only have to stitch is a few stiches to the motif at the upper left and add a 3 once I hear that my friend's family member is able to head to France for a vacation later this year. I am not adding a skull unless she asks me to add one.
I came across this picture of a sampler as I was clearing off the small table and decided I want to stitch it next. I will have to quit walking at lunch since it is getting hotter so I need to have another cross stitch project to work on. I have no idea where I got this picture.
I picked out some linen. I am using Fox & Rabbit Duxbury. This will be my first time using their linen. I got this on sale a while ago from The Fat Quarter Shop and was not sure if I was going to like stitching on it. The weave seem a bit tighter and the holes small. I found a color floss I liked and started on it this morning. I am happy the linen stitches up very nice and here is my small start.
I need to get back to the sewing machine. It is just hard trying to squeeze in sewing, exercising, and house projects in the few short hours I have every evening.


Pauline Michaud said...

You get so much done in such small periods of time. I'm loving the updates and can't believe you made a pouch for the "Boss" - that is so awesome! Things are warming up here and the snow is almost all gone. I'm looking forward to seeing if the bulbs I planted last fall will grow and bloom - if they all do, it should be a very nice show. I planted crocus, daffodils, hyacinths and lots of tulips throughout the flowerbeds.

swooze said...

Good to see you’re still getting so much done. How fun to get to see Bruce!

Hope you are well.

Frog Quilter said...

Love your projects!