Thursday, September 30, 2021

Down the rabbit hole

I spent a lot of time last evening thinking. Thinking about how I should cut up the pieces I had left to get the most out of them for borders at the top and bottom of the t-shirt quilt. I finally got brave and just started cutting. I plan on dividing this piece in half once it is sewn together so the curve of the sleeves not be as noticiable; not that I mind looking at the pieces and know they were the sleeves. Here is where I am so far.
The rabbit hole I have gone down is getting back into cross stitch. I could stitch for hours! I dug around my small bin of fabric (shoe box sized) and the few charts I have to figure out what I could stitch next so I could try out the Leo & Roxy floss. Cherie, who is a blog reader, sent me flannel and was the receipent of several of my vinyl project pouches, sent me a cute chart that had some black in it. I found a piece of 28 count natural linen (one of my favorite fabrics to stitch on) and went to town! I decided to make the birds black instead of the called for caper. I stitched enough of the bottom area to be able to start the black. The floss did stitch nice and smooth. I am looking forward to stitching more with it.
This project fits nicely in one of my bags.
I have been keeping up with my wrecking journal everyday. Here are yesterday and today's pages. On today's page I pressed so hard my pencil broke. I am sure that would have gotten approval.


  1. It will just look like curved improv piecing when you cut it down the middle. Good idea.

  2. Your cross stitch rabbit hole is looking a lot like my crochet rabbit hole!

  3. Love your enthusiasm for all your projects!!!!
