Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Pairing up plaids and solids

I only had time to pair up the plaid flanned strips with the solids I have right now.
These are laid out and ready to sew.
I have these with no solids to go with them so yesterday I put in a order to Hancock's of Paducah, a big order.
They had lots of nice flannel on sale so I ended up getting more plaids, some solids, and some woven solids. They didn't have a huge selection of solids or woven solids, but I still managed to do some damage to my wallet! LOL!! It is hard not to buy when many plaid pieces were half price. Meanwhile, I have lots of blocks I can make until my order arrives. I did spend most of my evening outside because the weather was so nice. Mid 70's and low humidity means yardwork! I had mowed the other day, but now I needed to trim. I have two batteries for my trimmer, but they only last 15 to 20 minutes. As I ran out of power, I decided to clean and polish my wood chairs while I waited for one of the batteries to charge up. Here is one of the chairs before and after I rubbed it down with Old English for dark wood. The wood was thirsty and they look so much better.
So in two hours I got a lot of trimming done and the chairs polished. Here is one area before and after that I tackled with the trimmer.   
I am not finished trimming yet. Tonight will be another beautiful evening so I will try and finish up all the trimming tonight.


  1. Isn't it nice when the gardening jobs and the best weather coincide? I like your row of strips and can already see some really cool pairings.

  2. I'm on weed killing duty this week. But at least the weather is a little nicer for a few days. Hancock's has some great sales. I try to stay away but I need to order some batting. Who knows what that will lead to.
