Monday, May 4, 2020

Busy weekend

I was happy to get so much done this weekend. The weather was beautiful and having the windows open was so nice! I spent time making masks and here is the pile of 80.
I decided to cut up some fabric I have been saving for years and turn it into blocks then eventually quilts. Here is the before pile.
the after. I saved the yardage here to make backing for the future quilts.

I also went thru my stash looking for dark blue, dark tans, and off whites, that would go with the marron and wine fabrics I had cut. Here are the strips hanging on the design wall just waiting to be made into blocks. It was a two days of cutting to make all these strips of fabric.
I even took the time to cut up the scraps instead of just chucking them into a scrap bin.
While I was waiting for some off white fabric to be washed and dried, I sewed together the backing for the Harley quilt.

Mowing the grass rounded out the weekend.


  1. That was a busy weekend. Do they really feel like weekends though now that you are home all of the time? You are just getting a preview of retirement weeks.

  2. I'm so glad you got to do something other than masks even if it was just cutting. Those are some great fabric parings that you are doing.
