Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Mask update and thunder

I got 16 masks made yesterday. Then the phone calls came that where I work wants me to make more - like 150! I plan on doing what I can, but I am only one person. I have now made 29 so I have 121 to make. Yikes! Here are the ones I got done yesterday

I cut out 14 more last night and found a batik I wasn't in love with and will use it for lining the masks

The paper masks the company ordered are not coming until next week so any masks I can produce now will help.

I went to bed late - at least for me - last night and heard thunder rumbling. I check the radar. The pink dot is about where I am located

The 50 minutes later I was in the thick of it! The lighting was fierce and the thunder never stopped. I hid under the covers until it stopped.

Later . . . I have got to get the iron and sewing machine!


  1. Welcome to my world! I was only good for about 30 a day. I couldn't produce much more than that.

  2. It's a can of worms isn't it? You do a kind deed and then many more people want to be in on it. We are doing good but can't let it take over our lives. Do what you can without stress, and stop when it becomes stressful. I'm reading about people making 500 masks........not me.

  3. That's a lot of masks! People here haven't been wearing them that much, but my sister in Chicago tells me everyone has them in the US. I think I'm going to do some before I go out again. Your work is lucky they've got someone who can sew.

  4. making them gets old fast. my featherweight is skipping like mad and my brother stopped sewing. so I in stopped for the future
