Thursday, August 22, 2019

Better than nothing

Yesterday was my long day at work. Left the house at 5:40 am and got home at 6 p.m. UGH! I only managed to get a few strip sewn together

Remember my stack was 4" tall? We now it is 3" so I am making some progress!

Installation of the equipment has begun at the hospital in the area they call Central Sterile. This is where they clean and sterilize procedural equipment and carts. This is a cart washer. It is big enough to walk thru. The second picture is the guts of the machine.

Some kind of a steam sterilizer
Another type of cleaning machine
A machine for drying
and one of the several sink units that are being installed. Wouldn't this make a great sink for dyeing fabric?!

This is not all that is being installed in this area. They have another week of installation.


  1. That right there is a dream sink!

  2. Do you work for a company that installs tings like that?

  3. You will have a good knowledge of the workings of a hospital by the time you finish that job.
