Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Dresden plate problem solved!

Thanks for all your solutions to my Dresden plate problem. Before I read any of your solutions I had been thinking about what to do. You know the saying great minds think alike? Well, Wanda and I are great minds as we both have the same solution. To try it out I just pinned four more pieces together and now the ring is complete! I just used four of the same fabric to try this out.

The lady that had cut these out would have run into the same issue. I wonder what she would have done? The cardboard template for this Dresden plate called for cutting 12 pieces of 12 different fabrics. It should have said 16 fabrics. So now I will have to dig into my stash of vintage fabric and cut pieces to fill in the space.

Yes, my bins are a bit messy, but I do have yardage in there to cut from. I do love vintage fabric. I need to hook up with someone who would be interested in producing a fabric line with some of these vintage prints. Some of them would fit perfectly into what is going on with fabric prints these days and don't look dated at all.


  1. I'm glad that solved the problem. Adding in a few of your own vintage pieces will make it all the more scrappy which is good.
