Thursday, September 21, 2017

Feed sack quilt

I know I need to get the binding on the blue log cabin quilt, but I decided to press the feed sacks to see what I had to work with. I think this is going to be an interesting project. I plan on using the extra bag off to the right to fill in places I need to in order to make the quilt top rectangular. This bag has some holes it in anyway so it is the perfect cutter bag. My improv piecing skills are going to come in handy in putting this top together!

I have a bin of vintage printed feed sack fabric and I found two that would work for the binding. I am leaning toward the top one with the red and green.

I am going to have to dig around to see if I have any muslin backing fabric. I think that would be more in line with what would be on the back if this quilt was made 50 - 60 years ago.


  1. I also have a bunch of old sugar and flour sacks. Let me know if you need more material for filler.

  2. Those sacks are incredible. I was thinking more on the line of what is passing for "feed" sacks in the more traditional world. I have a few of these myself along with some fabric that is similar to the design. Several times I had have put them on the design wall and tried to like it. I am not as I gishtful as you are, you really do some incredible things.

  3. These are fantastic! What a great commission; I can't wait to see this one evolve.
