Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Drum roll please

It took 4 hours, but I now have the Harley quilt all quilted.

Tonight I will start the binding.

I received an email that my R.E.M. piece has been accepted in the High Art Prize exhibit aka Akron Art Prize. What is odd is that the last date to sign up to have a professional picture taken is Aug.1, but I don't have to turn my piece over until September 5-8. I need as much time as possible to get the stitching done, and August 1 just won't do it. I guess I will get it done as much as possible by Aug. 1 then just keep working on it.


  1. Double congratulations: finishing the quilting and having your piece accepted into an exhibit. Lead times are funny with shows, aren't they? I hope you will be able to see it hanging.

  2. Congratulations on getting your piece accepted in to the exhibit. It sounds like the top command people think only finished items are entered. I hope you can get enough done that it looks like a finished entry.

  3. Congratulations - I'm glad the REM quilt has been accepted; it's going to be amazing. Well done with your progress on the Harley quilt too.
