Thursday, June 16, 2016

Nose to the grindstone

It got up to 87 yesterday so as soon as I got home from work I had to give the seeds and canna a drink. After I was done it was down to the studio to embroider. I also embroidered at lunch time and a bit this morning before work and this is the result - the "there" is done and part of the "Let" is done.

Once the "Let" is done I will move on to the next shirt. I still have the area in the center of the shirt that I don't know what I am going to do. It needs some stitching, but what? I will figure it out eventually, but in the meantime I will keep stitching.

The plan I had last year that worked well was to get some stitching on each shirt, then go back and keep adding more as time permits. I have 64 days to get this done plus I have a t-shirt quilt to get made for a fundraiser which is the day after the AC/DC quilt is due. I can see me taking some vacation to get both of these projects done.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That sounds like a good plan to do a little on each shirt and then go back to add. Otherwise you might be pulling some all-nighters as well as vacation time.

Vicki W said...

Sounds like a perfect plan! Then you can call it done whenever it needs to be done. The hot weather should help you focus!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I'll keep you on fun for you, work-work-work!