Monday, April 25, 2016

Done and done

I did get the equipment covers made for my brother. I am waiting on a shipping address and they will be on their way.

Got the curtain made for another brother's customer. I am waiting on a shipping address and then it will be on its way.

I was tired this weekend so I would at least make myself knit. My scarf is now 31 1/2" long.

I did get the grocery shopping and mowing done. I didn't get to patching the neighbor's jeans. I spent to much time this weekend procrastinating since I didn't want to work on the covers, make the curtain, or patch the jeans. I should have just made myself get them done and been done with it.


  1. It is so much more fun to work on something really creative. You must be a pro by now making the covers.

  2. So glad I'm not the only one that procrastinates things that aren't our favorite to do. . . for me it's house work ;) Congrats on getting two of them marked off the list! Love your scarf! Rich, lovely colors!

  3. It always takes me longer to think about doing something than just getting it done!
