Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Progress on the green & brown quilts and the flower beds

I managed to get all the blocks on both green and brown quilts sewn into rows. Tonight I will sew the rows into tops. I hope to get the backs on these and pin basted by the weekend so I can start quilting them. We will see ...

After sewing I went outside to work in the flower beds since it was in the mid-60's. I never remember it being like this in March! I cleaned out the small bed next to the house. It did not take very long to do. Check out the yellow on the daffodils - the flowers will be bursting out very soon!


Then it was on to the next bed. Since it was so hot last summer and I didn't get to the beds in the fall when I got sick, the grass had taken over this bed. We had a nice rain yesterday morning so the ground was nice and soft, but I still needed a shovel and some brute force to get the grass pulled. I did not get this bed done, but I got a significat amount of junk cleaned up. I could see that the deer have been eating the tops of the daylillies, but these are a hardy, tall orange lilly and they grow like crazy so they will be fine. Most of my other daylillies have grown so fast the deer missed their opportunity to munch on the young leaves. If it is nice again tonight, I will head out to try and finish this bed. I have some kind of nasty, viney weed that is also in the surrounding grass and it's tough to pull out. I have a feeling I am going to be fighting it all summer!


Now that the time has changed I am at work at sunrise. Here is a shot of this morning's sunrise.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get any garden work done last fall either but I don't have the ambition you do to get started yet this year.
