Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 15 - good news and bad news

I don't even know where to start. Ok. let's start with some good news. I decided to start with installing the window trim on Sunday after I got the primer and two finish coats on 40 pieces of trim on Saturday. Here is the before

I needed two sizes of nail guns and my compressor
I got my miter saw fired up
and of course hearing protection
Sixteen pieces of trim later, here is the after.
I had put on the touchup paint and it was still wet so installing the hardware will be a quick job tonight. The bad news is that the extension jambs I have are too narrow for the other window so I could not work on it. I will have to call the lumber yard, get wider jambs, and have a friend who has a table saw rip the jambs down to the width I need.

The bad news/good news is that I did not get the baseboards installed. Why this is good news is because with the heavy rain we had yesterday water leaked under the foundation into this room in two places. If I had installed the baseboard it would have got ruined. The bad news is now I need to spend the money to get the foundation waterproofed. I know now that this leaking has been going on for a while and it explains some of the issues with the dampness and all the bugs!

The house is still a mess - bad news - but the good news is that a neighbor is having a garage sale in September and said I could bring down all the stuff I want to get rid of. So as I clean up I will be seriously sorting and organizing stuff for the sale.

I have a several pieces of furniture I am painting, but they are not done. will post pictures as I get them done.

Oh, the really bad news is that my friend had to cancel the quilting weekend we had planned - the whole reason why I started this project! The good news is I found the water leaks, I will be getting the stuff cleared out at the yard sale, and I can now pace myself getting the room done for when my friend comes up in October instead of having to work so hard.

Good news - the electrican is coming tonight so hopefully he will go ahead and install the receptacles and the light fixture so that would be one more thing done.

The friend I have been helping learn how to quilt has started a blog. She posted a picture of the quilt she is making and I have helped guide her on. Her blog is Her first post talks about how I have been an influence - not sure I am a good one - LOL!!


  1. what an exhausting bit of news! Hope it all works out!

  2. I can see that all of this work is definitely worth the time spent on it. Now you have a little extra time to finish but still have a deadline, the only way it works for me.
    I think you need to remove the apostrophe in your friend's blog address.

  3. You do really nice work! I'm sorry for all of the snags and really sorry that your weekend is canceled but it's good that you found the foundation-leaking problems bow instead of later!

  4. Good news/Bad news huh? Sorry bout the foundation stuff, that is a pain to work with. And can get expensive. I thought the house I was flipping had a cracked foundation, but it turned out to be fine. Whew!

    Love the window, looks great!

    It is humbling to be an influence. Brings you down nearly as far as it pushes you upward!

    glen: been good and bad myself lately!
