Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Progress on the quilt and the garage

When I got home after work I changed my clothes and headed back to the garage. Why? Because the fellow is coming today to install the new lift system for my garage door - yeah! I wanted to get all the stuff cleared out where the current wiring is for the hard wired opener so the fellow wouldn't have to move anything. So here you can see the right side is all cleared out except for stuff I can't move.

Then I decided to clean the garage door interior. There are these 2" deep ribs on the doors and they were black with dirt, grime, and greasy spots. I used some Simple Green and it cleaned the door up. Here is the after - I forgot to take the before, but you all probably know what more than 10 years of dirt looks like.

Last thing I did outside was to take out the recycling bin. It was 6:15 p.m. and look at the moon! I don't know if that is a star or a planet to the left of the moon - ignore the spot of dust that was on the lens - but the moon was beautiful!

Then I noticed that even with the arctic weather last week, the little bit of sunshine we had has sent up shoots on daffodils and daylilies. I hate to tell them that it is suppose to snow this week.

I did get a little bit of quilting done on the musical quilt. Here is a shot of the back and you can see I only have a small area to finish quilting in this section.

Maybe one of my readers can help me. I need a easy pattern for a knitted infinity scarf. Thanks!


Vicki W said...

and if I would get off the internet I could get a lot done too! You amaze me.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Love that uppity green shoots!!!!! So your garage door works now???